Saturday Morning Adventure

I headed out on Saturday morning for a bit of quality time with Charlie. He has been watching Bear Grylls with me and fancied a hike. Bearing in mind that he's only five years old, I took that to mean a short-ish walk somewhere green, so I slipped on my new Regatta Guideways and threw the rucksack on my back with two bottles of water and two Fudge bars and off we went. The plan was to complete the top path at Carnfunnock while Ella (our one year old) had her morning nap. Charlie absolutely loved it, although he wanted me to go get the car after about 300 metres. He did well up the 'mountain' (the steep path at the southern end of our walk). We stopped for a fudge and a drink at the viewpoint at the top. He loved the views, the Giant's fireplace (Limestone Kiln), the ice house, the maze and the zig-zag path down to the northern car park. For a GPS trace of our route, heights, times etc, Click Here . We had a fun time and are going to make our Saturday morning adv...